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Thursday, April 28, 2011


Ishmael- Main character, his family was killed by Revolutionaries and he is a boy soldier in the Sierra Leon Armed Forces. His character is used to creaate sympathy and show the atrocities of the war in Sierre Leone
Junior- Ishmaels older brother, also a part of RUF but is eventually killed in a battle. Beah mentions Junior in the battle to show how Junior affected Ishamel and how good a person Ishmael was when he was with Junior.
Esther-Ishmaels nurse friend who he tells everything. During his rehabilitation she checks his mental health. Esther is put into the book to show Beah's transformation and development after he come from War. She is a guide to show what he has become after the War.
Uncle Tommy-Ishmaels foster parent who makes Ishmael part of his family.
Musa-One of Ishmaels home town friends.
Kanei- One of Ishmaels home town friends. Kanei along with Mohamed, are put into the story to show Beah's early childhood and how he became a boy soldier.
Talloi- Ishmael and Juniors friend who gets seperated from them at a rap contest b/c of RUF attack. Talloi is put into the story to show how the RUF affects families and destroys entire villages, he was lost in the middle of a attack.
Mohamed-One of Ishmaels friends from home.
Mambu- Ishmaels close friend he meets at the shelter, he is also a boy soldier.
Alhaji- Ishmaels closest friend, he was a boy soldier that is rescued by UNICEF

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